The six signs your relationship has no future anymore, according to a professional relationship counsellor

If you are reading this article, maybe there is a serious reason.
Also, if lately, you feel that you are no longer happy with your partner and it is better to go your separate ways, then read this article before making a radical decision.
The Six Signs You Should Cut With Your Partner, According to a Marriage Counsellor
Relationships aren’t always easy.
Even couples who have an idyllic relationship also go through their ups and downs, especially if children are involved, either from the couple themselves or from a previous one.
However, all this will be overcome if the relationship has solid pillars and if the two people have evolved and changed in the same direction.
The confinement may have caused one of them to decide to rethink everything to the point of leaving their relationship.
To get out of doubts about whether this is your case, reader, we collect the warnings that the counsellor Suzanne Degges-White wrote in ‘Psychology Today’ that indicate that a relationship has ended.

You are always upset with your partner
When someone is around you all the time, you could direct your frustrations at them.
In a healthy relationship, the couple is there to help you through tricky times; in a toxic or ended relationship, your partner upsets you, and you don’t turn to them to feel better.
If you constantly feel angry or ‘disconnected’ from your partner, Degges-White is clear: you should find out if you’d be happier if you left him. If the answer is yes, it’s time to cut.
You don’t want to have physical contact with her
Sexual ups and downs are normal in all relationships, especially those who have been together or have children. Love is evolving, and although there is no longer passion, there is a solid and lasting connection.
“Sex is never decisive to maintaining a lasting and pleasant relationship, but lately, you do not feel like even being touched, something is wrong,” says the specialist.
You always fantasize about others when you have sex with your partner
Degges-White says that it is normal to fantasize from time to time about other people when having sex with your partner, but it is decisive with what assiduity this occurs.
“If you’re doing it all the time and the thought of sleeping with your real partner puts you in a bad mood, it’s a bad sign. It’s about whether you still find your partner attractive or not,” she says.

You start to hate their habits
Another clear sign that you should cut with your love after confinement is that you are increasingly bothered by their habits or hobbies, the same ones that at the beginning of the relationship made you funny.
The counsellor assures that if we begin not to endure how our partner chews, how he dresses, where he leaves the cups, the socks … it probably has more to do with us than with them.
“Many of us start criticizing our partner for these things when we are upset about something different. (…) When you can’t bear to look at your partner or fear your partner’s return home, you feel like you’re going to get bored with their stuff… Then you probably need to sit down and talk honestly about whether the relationship is over.”
Too many discussions
All couples fight verbally. It can sometimes be the healthiest way to solve a problem, as long as you both do it the right way.
However, minor disagreements that always end in shouting are unhealthy and indicate that the relationship has become toxic and that it is time to go their separate ways.
You think your relationship is going nowhere and you’d be happier without them
No one wants to be in a dead-end relationship that seems to be going nowhere.
Degges-White says that if you think you’re changing for the better or that your priorities have changed and they no longer marry with your family life, it’s good to leave it before things get worse.
When a person continues with his partner for fear of breaking up or facing a divorce, in the end, reproaches, strong dissatisfaction, horns appear … and, ultimately, suffering on both sides.

And that’s it for now.
Have you come to any conclusions yet, and do you think your partner has no future with you?