They say that friction makes affection, but it is not easy to face love at work. Here’s what to do if the arrows of love strike your heart in the office.
Love at work arises more often than you think.
We spend many hours in the office with the same people, on many occasions after work we take something with colleagues and the spark of love can be born at any time and when we least expect it.
But it is not an easy situation to fall in love with someone you have to see at least eight hours a day, and those moments can overcome us if we are not reciprocated.

The touch creates the affection, and if you begin to notice that between you and your partner, there is something more than work camaraderie, you should consider that maybe you are falling in love with that person. And against love, you can’t fight for better and for worse.
The first step you should take is to know if you are reciprocated and if that other person feels the same as you.
The risk of not being reciprocated is there, but the sooner you know if it’s worth continuing to feel something for that person, the better.
Before you come forward, you should know his personal and family situation and see if he is open to maintaining a relationship with someone else.
From there, assess if it is what you want, if you are looking for something serious and he is not if yours is only going to stay in a sporadic relationship and you feel that you want more…
Your company policy
It would be best if you also learned about your company’s policy regarding personal or romantic relationships between its employees.
It may be something old as a concept, but in many companies, the relationships between workers are not yet well seen, and you must be very attentive and discreet so that it does not cause you any problems in your day today.

Don’t worry.
You won’t be the first or the last to maintain a romantic relationship with your office mate.
How common are work relationships?
According to a Google survey, 18% of couples meet at work as per a study conducted.
According to a survey produced by job site, 56% of employees have engaged in a romantic relationship with a co-worker.
NB: Interestingly, 72% of those over 50 years old have been romantically involved with a colleague.
Pay attention to their gestures
When there is chemistry between two people, it shows.
There are indeed times when someone can send us equivocal signals, and we can be confused with certain complicit gestures, but it is almost certain that if they like you, they will show it to you with small details.
He may show you more attention than other colleagues, talk to you through a private chat or be interested in your personal and sentimental life.

Another sign that there may be more than just companionship is that you take advantage of any situation to chat with you, invite you to have a coffee on a break or bring up any banal topic to get closer to you.
Similarly, if you are out of the office, he will surely approach you, smile at you for no reason or pay more attention to you than the rest.
Eye contact is vital in this sense: if he looks for you with his eyes, makes you some complicit gesture with his eyes, or catches him looking at you when you are with more people, the spark may be mutual.
Do not stay with the doubt
No one said it was easy to fall in love, and if the other person doesn’t take the first step, why not take it yourself?
Before the feelings go further, it is best to tell him what you feel and be honest so that no one is fooled and neither person is illusioned or believes false expectations.
Of course, weigh the pros and cons of confessing your feelings to him, as your good relationship may change in one way or another.
Once you have decided to launch yourself and explain that you do not see him only as a colleague, find a good time when you are alone and outside the work environment to open up and tell him what is happening to you.
There you will know if you are reciprocated or not.

If the answer is no, accept it, do not force anything and make it clear that friendship will continue between you, and everything you have spoken will remain between you.
Confidentiality in these cases should be paramount.
How to live love in the office
If once you have spoken, you are both clear that you want to try and start a relationship beyond work, now it’s time to enjoy it, but also know that it will not be easy to work with your romantic partner.
Among the positive things about going out with a partner are that you will go to work with more motivation and feel more energetic, be more productive, and go every morning with a smile to the office with the illusion of seeing the loved one.
Many times, we do not know how our partner behaves in an environment other than personal or family, so for you, it will be an advantage to see how he also acts at work, how others see him if he is a leader or lets himself be carried away by the current, how he relates to bosses …
But as in any relationship, not everything is easy when the arrows of love reach you sitting at the office table.
If one day you argue at home, when you arrive at the office, it will be difficult to hide your moment of anger, and you must, by all means, maintain your professionalism above all and leave those personal problems out of the office.
When you share time and space with your partner, sometimes it is not easy to disconnect or have your own space, and the magic may fade if you are together 24 hours a day.

Try to find your moments with other people
We do not want to be doomsayers, and it is clear that when you start a romance, the idea is that it lasts forever, but it is not always so.
There are usually quarrels when a couple breaks up, and if you have to see your faces every day, the breakup will become even more difficult than it usually is.