Interesting research that we made a while ago. We found out many interesting things, including the fact that No5 is not the most searched number on the web. Neither is #7….
The most Popular number is Two. To be more precise “2”.

This is why number 2 is actually number 1.
Does it look confusing? I can bet on it. Ok, let’s start from the beginning.
Some time ago The Guardian and Time announced that number seven is number one, or in other words that the World’s favorite number is 7.
As per The Guardian results from a carried online survey required to find out what are the world’s favorite numbers looked like this: 7 (the most favorite),3 (second place),8(number three), 4, 5,13,9,6,2, and 11.
We decided to make another research, but we didn’t make a survey. We used a different approach.
What we did was we asked Google instead.
Ok Google, what is the most popular number in the World?
Have you wondered what other people search on Google?
We asked Google what is the most popular number that people are searching online for and this is what we found.
Number 2 is the most searched number online and seems to be the favorite number of everyone who uses Google.

Since Google is the most popular search engine that people use, we believe these results represent the most popular numbers people search for online.
By the way, it seems Number 2 is occasionally among the “lucky” lottery numbers as per statistics.
What is the next most popular number in the World and if the results for “two” and “2” are the same you can read below.
NB: You might notice that No 7 is not shown on the above trends, but this is for a reason.
What are the Most Popular and Favorite numbers?
Here is the list of favorite numbers as per people’s preferences and this is why I said in the very beginning that the most popular number is 2 (not “two”).
In other words, number 2 is Number 1 (the first number in this list):2,3,1,4,5,7,one,8,10,9,11,four,six,zero,seventeen
What you see above is a combination of numbers as numbers, and words denoting single or multiple units: one, four, six, zero, seventeen.
You have probably noticed that “0” is missing, but “zero” is there instead.
This is not a mistake.
You will find out why when you read how we did the research, what we have included in it, and what-not.
How we found the most favorite number
This might surprise you, but it was not difficult to find out the most popular numbers and to sort them in an acceding order following their trends.
It was time-consuming but it wasn’t difficult.
Also, we used only free tools for our keyword research, and this is another reason for the time delay.
Here is what we did.
1.First of all, we have decided that in our test we’ll include all the numbers from 0 to 100 and their words equivalents (I will use “numbers in words” to avoid confusion), i.e. zero, one, two, three, four, five, six,seven…seventeen……….one hundred (and its variations: a hundred, hundred, the hundred were also included).
2. What we did in a second-place was we took the numbers and the numbers as words (i.e. 0 is zero) and we checked how competitive they are one to each other by using the Adwords keyword planner. We choose to use the Google keyword planner because it’s free.
Google Adwords keyword planner doesn’t give you accurate values for the monthly search volume of the words (keywords) but was good enough for our keyword search, followed by a grouping of the most searched words.
After we exported the results from Google’s Keyword Planner for all the numbers from 0 to 100 and the same numbers in words (their words equivalents) we sorted them all out by groups by the approximate figures given by the keyword planner.
This was necessary to leave only the cream of the crop-i.e. the most searched keywords, or as it is in our case — the most searched numbers.
Here is how our filtered Excel table looked like :

3. As I said earlier and you can see it also in the screenshot from our Excel table above, the Minimum Search volume results are not given as precise values in Google Adwords Keyword Planner and for this reason, we had to use another free tool for keyword research — the notorious Google Trends.
We did a comparison of all 0–100 numbers and their words equivalents ( zero, one, two, three, four…seventeen……….one hundred) from zero to a hundred.
Unfortunately, Google Trends doesn’t allow you to make a bulk comparison of more than 5 terms, so this operation eventually took as a while.
Hopefully, we didn’t have to compare one by one each one of the numbers, which would cost us even more time.
To get the idea — we compared each number (term/keyword)to four others from our list — “one to the others”.
After each comparison, we used the value of the least searched term(or in our case number) and input a new value instead. In the above example, we replaced “0”, which was obviously the least searched number among all others in the same group with “5” and this is what we got:
We compared to number 0 against 1,2,3,4 etcetera till 100; then we compared to number 1 against 0,2,3,4 ….etcetera till 100.
Afterward, we compared “zero” with all numbers and their words equivalents…….till we reached “a hundred”
It took us a few hours but eventually, we had all numbers compared “one to one” and the final results.
This is how the results looked like as we said in the beginning:
The most popular number in the World is 2 ;
The second most searched number is 3 ;
1 takes third place among the most popular numbers ;
Number 4 takes the fourth place by popularity (this is easy to remember) ;
5 is on the fifth position (also easy to remember);
Number 7 is on position number six
“one” (or number 1 expressed as a word) won a position number eight;
Number 8 got the ninth place;
10 is where is expected to be — on the tenth position;
9 was found to be the eleventh most searched term among the numbers;
Number 11 got the twelfth place;
“four” but not as a number expression seems to be on the twelfth place by popularity
“six” is on the thirteenth position
“zero” takes the fourteenth place among the first most preferred numbers
“Seventeen” is on the 15th place;

Well, this is it.
We could expand the list and include all 202 numbers (101 numbers including “0” plus their words equivalents) in the final results but we didn’t, because there was no point.
By the way, do you wonder what has happened with numbers which people would consider more or less popular such as 7,13, 666, or 777?
We haven’t forgotten about these.
Just these numbers are not as popular as we (and maybe you too) expected in a global plan. We compared all of them with the most popular number from our survey (number 2).
See here what I mean.
In the end, the above list of fifteen items shows well enough what numbers are people search online most frequently.
As I said before — we believe (or assume, if you prefer)these are peoples’ most favorite numbers.
And number 2 is the one majority of people (or at least those who use Google to search for things online) prefer above all others.
I am not sure if the popularity of these numbers has something to do with the Powerball results or if they are the best ones, to use next time when you play lotto, but in any case, it was good to have an idea.
I personally think this “keyword research” was interesting. Kind of curious thing. At least for us, it was.
See you next time and (especially in a case you are buying a lottery ticket tonight) Good luck!