Smart Homes : Innovations bring latest Smart gadgets for your Kitchen


The most innovative smart gadgets for our homes appear fast

Today we’ll have a look at what the latest innovations bring and what are the latest cool tech gadgets for the Kitchen at very this moment.

How Smart is your Home?

The Smart Kitchen gadgets

Everything gets smarter and smarter and kitchen appliances are becoming more intelligent too.

As you’ll see the latest gadgets for your smart kitchen deserve more than just a humble brag.

Latest innovative technologies make possible almost all kitchen appliances to be intelligent and intuitive.

Smart fridges, smart hubs, smart ovens and every other appliance you can think of.

Let’s now check the smartest ones you can dream of.

Cool Smart Fridges

Your smart fridge can be your friend and personal assistant.

Besides, the new technologies, allow you to remotely control your refrigerator, communicate with it and lots more.

See the coolest fridges, literally.

The Intelligent Refrigerator

This Smart Refrigerator from and LG has a practical auto-closing/auto-opening doors, plus InstaView door-in-door function.

The InstaView window allows you to see what’s inside the fridge without opening the door by knocking on it.

Simply knock on the InstaView window and the interior of this clever refrigerator lights up.

The LG’s Door-in-Door function is another convenient and energy-saving feature that allows you to easily access snacks or beverages quickly, without having to open the main refrigerator door.

The Auto Open Door allows you to open the doors of the freezer and refrigerator sections hands-free.

When you return home from the shopping with your hands full of items, voila. There is a solution.

Now you can get easy-peasy access to the refrigerator and start unloading in no time.

The smart refrigerator let you control key features by using the LG SmartThinQ app on your phone, or voice commands with the Google Assistant or Amazon Alexa.

Many appliances today can be controlled by intelligent virtual assistants

The Smarter Refrigerator

Some people don’t like to spend much time in their kitchens, but now things can change.

This smart fridge by Samsung named Family Hub™ helps you to easily manage your home and your life.

Family Hub™ helps you to easy manage your home and your life

Create shopping lists and expiration notices, and more.

If you wonder what was inside the refrigerator, you don’t have to open it — just touch the smart screen on the front door of your Samsung Family Hub and you’ll see it.

Furthermore, you can check what you have inside from a distance, for instance when you are in the grocery shop.

With the smart shopping lists, you can keep up-to-date on things you need and save money when shopping.

Share photos or memos, multiple calendars, and stream music. Project videos or something else from your Samsung TV directly on the Family Hub.

Food Management, Smart Shopping, Connection with your Family, and Entertainment — all controlled from the big 21.5-inch touchscreen with enabled Wi-Fi.

This smart fridge by Samsung is one of the appliances for your home that actually feels smart.

Cool Smart Coffee Makers

In essence, smart coffee makers are designed to brew higher quality cups of your favorite coffee brand while giving you more control over the process.

Tea and coffee maker with a modern design

The intelligent coffee machines are connected on the Internet via WiFi or Bluetooth and their functions can be remotely set up by an app.

How about making the perfect cup using your mobile phone?

The smart coffee machine

Caffeo Barista TS Smart is an intelligent coffee maker by the popular German brand Melitta.

This super clever and superautomatic coffee machine has specific buttons for different types of beverages and can be remotely controlled.

There are 20+ amazing recipes including espresso, coffee doppio cream, cappuccino, and coffee macchiato.

You can configure settings through the menu system, but it’s easier if you choose to use the SmartPhone application.

With the Melitta Connect app, via Bluetooth, you will be able to steer the preparation of coffee and manage many other features really simply by your tablet or phone.

There are a lot of customization options but in brief, the smart application makes possible to configure not only time and recipes. You can also set up various user profiles on the machine.

This allows up to 8 different people in your home to have own beverage recipes, based on their personal preferences.

The Intelligent coffee maker

The technically advanced and impressive smart machine by Philips Saeco makes a delicious coffee.

With the intuitive app, it is very easy to adjust your shot temperature, strength and volume to get the perfect coffee.

You can even adjust the amount of milk for your cafe latte by your tablet. In fact, you can enjoy 16 coffee drinks simply prepared from a distance by using a tablet or phone.

If you adore coffee and need it in your systems in order to function well in the morning, then check this smart coffee machine.

Smart gadgets like this have been around for a while, and they offer much more control and convenience than conventional models.

The Clever garbage Bins

You probably think I am joking.


The garbage disposal equipment is getting clever too. See exactly what I mean.

The Smart Garbage Bin

It might be a little bit too much, but you’d probably agree that this intelligent garbage bin by SimpleHuman looks cool.

Apart from its look this bin it’s kind of smart because it follows your voice command and will open its lid if you say so.

The other awesome thing with this trash bin is that it has integrated motion sensors as well, so if you wave your hand above it, the infrared sensors will make it open automatically.

The Smarter Trash Bin

While the Smart Garbage Bin by SimpleHuman is a really cool gadget to have in your household.

Smart garbage bin by Simple Human

Another cute and clever gadget for your home is GeniCan. GeniCan is one of those cool toys you fall in love from the first sight.

This smart gadget sits with your garbage can to make sure you have your shopping list up-to-date and never forget the items you need to buy.

GeniCan sits with your garbage can to make sure you have your shopping list up-to-date

Once you attach the small device to your bin, you can simply swipe the item’s barcode code on GeniCan’s barcode reader.

After this, you can find the item added to a list on the GeniCan app on your tablet or smartphone.

What if there is no barcode? No worries.

Just hold an item over the smart GeniCan and you will be prompted to tell what item you want to add to your list.

Smart Dishwashers

As you can imagine, the smart dishwasher connects via Bluetooth or WiFi to your smart home systems and apart of the standard buttons, can be remotely operated by smartphone or another mobile device, or voice controlled via an enabled virtual home assistant.

The smartest models offer flexibility and energy efficient solutions thanks to new innovations.

The Smart Dishwasher

Miele’s Knock2Open (or “Knock to Open”) is a great example for a smart dishwasher and handleless design.

With the MobileControl function, via smart-phone or tablet PC you can keep an eye on your dishwasher, thanks to Miele mobile@home app.

This is possible even when you’re not at home. You can access the programme status and also select or start programmes regardless of your location.

If you knock twice on the front panel of the integrated dishwasher, the door will open on its own.

Also- it will close itself automatically.

An ingenious convenience that you can enjoy every day.

The dishwasher has a patented intelligent Waterproof System, which guarantees the protection of your home and the machine itself against water damages for 20 years.

Smart Kitchen Robots

Forget about those kitchen robots and food processors that you know from before.

They are all same with more or less similar functions such as mixing ingredients and roasting or boiling them afterward, as per given time schedule.

See what the latest technology brought to us and meet the intelligent robot which can cook like a chef.

The most intelligent Smart Kitchen Robot

By now this is the closest kitchen robot as we understand the word “a kitchen robot”.

Moley Robotics, in collaboration with other parties, created the world’s first intelligent robotic kitchen.

The Moley’s Robot is a pair of programmed robotic hands, that can reproduce the entire function of human hands with the same sensitivity and movement, and at the same speed.

But there is more…

The intelligent cooking robot learns recipes, cook them and even clear up after itself!

Kitchen Robot by Moley prepares a mel [Image Source: Facebook]

The whole smart system doesn’t include only the robot hands but comprises a full suite of safety features, appliances, cabinetry, and computing.

See video of robot cooking lasagna (or it was paella, wasn’t it? )here.

The Smart Kitchen Air Extractors

The German manufacturer Siemens enables your hob to talk to your hood by a wireless technology known as cookConnect, giving you convenient control of both appliances from the hob.

When you Start the hob, the hood starts automatically and even stops when cooking is complete.

By Home Connect app you have remote access to a selection of features of your extractor hood via tablet or smartphone.

You can monitor the settings including active cooking zones, the time status and on/off status of your appliance from wherever you are.

Extractor hoods fitted with intelligent climate Control sensor technology detects smells and steam.

In addition, it automatically adjusts the extraction rate to ensure your kitchen is always kept fresh.

If you fancy different colors for the light of your hood, then you can try emotionLight Pro, which adapts your extractor to your mood and style.

The Smart Hobs

The modern smart hobs for your kitchen allow you to monitor and remotely control them. Apart from the remote control functions, the latest innovative technology provides us with the freedom to choose. A smart hob with a smart hood?

Why not?

Nowadays we can choose between a conventional type of hood which is normally installed above the hotplate or an integrated type.

The latter works together with the cooking hobs and could be a useful solution in a number of cases.

One of the best examples of innovative products is Flow-In presented by Red Dot 21 as one of the extractor hoods with the best design.

Flow-In – one of the best kitchen extractors with award for best design.

Flow-In is a combination between hood and induction cooktop in one appliance.

The integrated air extractor, which rises from the worktop and really looks awesome.

Modern smart hobs such as FlexInduction by NEFF get only heated where the pan is placed.

With the FlexZone (you can place your pan flexibly, wherever you want on the worktop) you use the appliance with maximum efficiency.

This is feasible thanks to the integrated sensors and innovative technology.

With FlexZone you use the smart induction hob with maximum efficiency

This intelligent unit provides fully automatic operation of the extractor when the hob is switched on.

Furthermore, the extraction capacity adjusts automatically to the amount of steam and smell, released during the cooking.

How clever is your smart kitchen and do you like it?

Well, as you can see the Smart Homes (and everything in) are becoming more intelligent and clever.In addition, as we noticed here, the kitchen equipment is following the same trend.

Hopefully, to make our busy lives easier and more enjoyable.

It seems the future is now.

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