Unconventional Ads that Sell


Seven smart ideas for brilliant public marketing

Have you ever wondered why so many advertising campaigns fail? Why do we sometimes get ads that annoy us instead of eliciting interest and making us buy?

People are always the main focus of any successful marketing campaign. So, if you want to create or participate in creating a successful marketing campaign, you must first learn to understand your customers or clients and know how to convince them to buy.

One way or another.

Some companies use emotional language in their campaigns. According to research on the psychology of advertising, emotions greatly influence and, in many cases, even determine our decisions.

Unconventional advertising often referred to as Guerrilla Marketing, usually uses low-cost marketing methods.

This involves high energy and imagination, focusing on grasping the public’s attention on a more personal and memorable level. Guerrilla marketing is an excellent alternative to traditional marketing.

It thrives on original thinking and creativity, where imagination and ingenuity sometimes successfully beat out big budgets.

Without wasting more time, I would like to present some striking examples of guerilla marketing and ambient advertising, plus a few other examples of unconventional advertising.

I’m sure they will grab your attention as they grabbed mine.

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